Sunday, October 30, 2011


Artifact 1: Emotional Intelligence Presentation for students in the Pharmacy Technical Program at Dixie Applied Technology College (DXATC) September 27, 2011

Description: Linda Duke, Pharmacy Technology Program Director, at Dixie Applied Technology College (DXATC) asked me to give an Emotional Intelligence introductory presentation to students attending this program. This was a two hour presentation teaching principles of emotional Intelligence and how these principles can be applied in pharmacy work while servicing customers.

Rationale: As a teacher, I want to be an active learner and seek opportunities to support learning in my field of education. I have a substantial interest in the field of emotional intelligence and how it can positively impact students educationally as well as in their personal lives. This artifact provides evidence that I actively seek opportunities to expand my learning through presentation and research.

Emotional Intelligence Class Presentation Outline

Artifact 2: Telescope specialist at Astronomy Night November 18, 2011 at George Washington Academy and November 30, 2011, at Sunrise Intermediate School.

Description: This was a project made possible by Nancy Hauck, an Associate Professor in the Education Department at Dixie State College during the Fall 2011 semester. My participation included learning to use a telescope provided by Dixie State College to locate planets in our solar system, teach students attending the astronomy night facts about these planets, and encourage more education about these planets to students and their parents while attending these two events.

Rationale: This artifact provides evidence of my participation as an active learner and displays tangible support of seeking opportunities for personal learning expansion. I was fascinated by this opportunity for two reasons; first, I was amazed at the level of understanding and increased ability I acquired during my discovery period of how to use telescope technology, and second, I was amazed at the broadened educational interest and appreciation of the students and parents attending these events.

Astronomy Presentation

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