Sunday, October 30, 2011

T-Teaching Dispositions

Artifact 1: Science lesson plan and picture of students with hands-on model

Description: I taught a lesson on physical weathering and how valleys are formed during my practicum experience in the Fall semester of 2011. I used a model for higher level learning and hands-on instruction to better accommodate students with minimal learning proficiency, students learning English as a second language, and one behavior student that has a challenge with short attention span.

Rationale: This artifact substantiates that as a candidate for the career of teaching, I fostered a caring association during my practicum experience with these students by providing an opportunity for them to learn through use of a hands-on and highly visual model that focused on their educational needs while teaching curriculum required by the state and national standards. I researched the use of this model through the Dixie Arizona Strip Interpretive Association (D/ASIA), with assistance from Debbie Bice, the Outdoor and Outreach expert.

Science Lesson Title: Earth's Surface is Changing: Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Uplift.
I. Science  Power Point Lesson
II. Picture of students with model of Forming Valleys

Artifact 2: Evaluation by Adele Wilson, Student Teaching Adviser

Description:  This is an evaluation of the sixth lesson I taught in a science unit about fossils.

Rationale:  My student teaching experience has been wonderful.  I have gained  tremendous experience through teaching and input given from both my mentor teacher and adviser. In my second Student Teaching Lesson/Instruction Evaluation, my adviser, Adele Wilson, rated my ability to differentiate my lesson for individual students with learning differences and needs as distinguished and rare.  I believe this artifact shows I am capable of fostering a caring and professional relationship with students that focuses on individual acceptance and essential needs. I believe this artifact shows I am capable of fostering a caring and professional relationship with students that focuses on individual acceptance and essential needs.

Student Teacher Adviser Evaluation

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