Sunday, October 30, 2011


Artifact 1: Intermountain Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages (I-TESOL) Conference Presentation. “Tutoring for International Students; SHELL Program at Dixie State College.”

Description: Dr. Jaret, Associate Professor in the Education Department at Dixie State College, presented me with this opportunity to participate in a start-up tutoring program for the Dixie State College (DSC) International Student community. Three colleagues and I, along with Dr. Jaret, Linda Galloway, ESOL Program Director, Carol Hulet, First Year International Student Coordinator, and Michael Thompson, Director of the International Student Program, all formed a new program called SHELL (Students Helping English Language Learners). Through this association, I have had the opportunity to tutor international students using the education received in English as Second Language (ESL) classes required through the Dixie State College Elementary Education Program. I have also been part of the team that developed the concept of International-buddy (I-buddy), where we have integrated high levels of social interaction in casual settings that allows us to appreciate the language, culture and unique individuality of these students, while they experience more exposure to American culture through association with the SHELL tutors and facilitators. The common thread that weaves success into this association is greater academic achievement at Dixie State College. Through the SHELL and I-buddy programs, I am involved with research to define our effectiveness and find ways to improve international student success. The SHELL program tutors presented our findings at the I-TESOL conference in Salt Lake City at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) on October 21, 2011. This artifact is the slide presentation we used to present at this conference.

Rationale: This artifact substantiates evidence of my increased understanding of diversity differences in areas of race, gender, ethnicity and culture. Through interaction with Dixie State College International Students, I have experienced these differences in one-on-one tutoring sessions and in large groups such as I-buddy activities. Through the research for the I-TESOL Conference Presentation, I have gained a broadened understanding of the successes and challenges that ESL students confront and conquer. This opportunity has allowed me to better understand how to provide educational opportunities to meet the needs of diverse students.

 S.H.E.L.L. slideshow.

Artifact 2: Parent and Family Involvement Plan

Description: This parent and family involvement plan is a project I compiled during the Fall 2011 semester of my elementary Education Program at Dixie state College.  It is divided into six sections that describe various areas of diversity appreciation which increase opportunity for advanced education.

Rationale: This artifact provides evidence of diversity because it demonstrates an understanding of how I can use various strategies in my classroom, while achieving educational standards. Meeting individual and parent/family needs will increase the educational opportunities for all students, while providing real life opportunities for increased classroom community and collaboration.

Parent and Family Involvement Plan
Standard I: Communication
Standard II: Parenting
Standard III: Student Learning
Standard IV: Volunteering
Standard V: School Decision Making and Advocacy
Standard VI: Collaborating with Community

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