Wednesday, October 26, 2011

D.E.S.E.R.T. Model


Program Philosophy

The main focus of our Education Department is the
development of competent, caring, and qualified educators
by ensuring that candidates demonstrate professional
abilities in academic and pedagogical knowledge and the
skills and dispositions of reflective practitioners. In order to
develop these qualities, our degrees and programs include:
(a) a competitive selection process to identify highly-
qualified candidates; (b) academic rigor through curriculum
and assessments; (c) technology tools to enhance teacher
work and student learning; and (d) multiple practicum and
student teaching experiences in the local school district
monitored by experienced teachers and college supervisors.

D.E.S.E.R.T. Model Principles

D-Diversity (DM1): Teacher candidates understand that diversity differences (i.e., race, gender,
ethnicity, culture, exceptionalities, sexual and/or religious differences) affect learning and provide
culturally responsive curricula and teaching that meets the needs of all students. (TEAC QP1.2, Q. 1.3,
Multicultural Perspectives; INTASC 2, 3, 9)

E-Effective Pedagogy (DM2): Teacher candidates can create effective and meaningful instruction and
assessments for all students based on required subject matter knowledge, state content standards,
curriculum goals, and use of technology and implements instruction they have designed to effectively
teach students and assess whether students can demonstrate the intended outcomes. (TEAC QP1.2,
Technology; INTASC 4, 6, 7, 8)

S-Subject Matter (DM3): Teacher candidates demonstrate a strong knowledge of the subject matter (s)
they will teach and facilitate the acquisition of that subject matter knowledge in their students through
appropriate instruction. (TEAC QP1.1; INTASC 1, 6, 7)

E-Environment (DM4): Teacher candidates create physically and emotionally safe classroom
environments that encourage active learning, self-motivation, and cooperative interaction among students.
(TEAC QP1.2, 1.3; INTASC 2, 5, 6, 8)

R-Reflective (DM5): Teacher candidates are active learners and reflective practitioners, individually and
with their colleagues in order to improve their professionalism as teachers and their collegiality. (TEAC
QP1.3, Learning to Learn; INTASC 9, 10)

T-Teaching Dispositions (DM6): Teacher candidates will foster caring and professional relationships
with students that focus on acceptance and attention to their educational needs, foster relationships with
colleagues, families, and the community at large to support student success. (TEAC QP 1.2, 1.3,
Multicultural Perspectives; INTASC 2-8) 

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