Thursday, January 5, 2012

Math Lesson Plan


Teacher Candidate:  Jan Last

Grade Level:  5th Grade          Title: Review for pie graphs, mean & median, fraction and                                                               degree comparison.

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
24 students total
12 boys, 12 girls
1 African American, 16 Caucasian, 3 Hispanic, 2 Polynesian
2 IEP students
Math student learning  proficiency: Substantial: 17, Sufficient: 4, Approaching: 4,
                                                                      Minimal: 1
6 ESL students
1 Behavior student

WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do)
Standard: 5 objective 1a. Construct, analyze, and display data using an appropriate format (e.g., line plots, bar graphs, line graphs).
1d. Identify and calculate the mean, median, mode, and range.
Content Walk-Away (SIOP: content objective):
I will convert pie graph information into percentages. I will determine the mean and median of a set of numbers. I will convert information given in fractions to degrees of a circle.

Language Walk-Away(SIOP: language objective):
I will be able to say what percentage each section represents in a pie graph for the expenses given in example. I will tell my shoulder partner the definition of median and mean. I will state the degree movement I make in a physical turn (one full circle representing 360 degrees).

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning)
tions (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
1.       Formative: Students will check with shoulder partner and compare movement with degrees in a circle.
2.      Students will complete summative assessment for topic 6.

Behavior student: I will incorporate a high level of visual teaching strategies and physical movement during lesson. Student will sit at the front of the room because he lost his glasses and can’t see the board.
Minimal and approaching students: I will use shoulder partners, high visual and physical movement during lesson.
ELL students: I will use small grouping to provide interaction and talking time.

Modifications/ Accommodations (ELL (indicate SIOP feature), IEP, GATE, etc.)
Building Background/Interest
1.       I will be know the meaning of median and mean and know each process.
2.       I will recognize similarities between percentages of a pie graph and degrees in a circle.
3.       I will determine percentages of pie graph sections by comparing to the whole.

Review test taking strategies
1.       Read question two times
2.       Underline important parts of questions
Vocabulary: Median, mean, degrees
·         Strategy #53 p. 102: Students develop a personal dictionary
Focus Lesson (“I do it”)
Power point section one: Introduce sections of the graph represented in example. Compare largest to smallest, ask for ideas about what amount might be represented according to an overall total.

Guided Instruction (“We do it”)

Power point section two:
1.       Review vocabulary words: mean, median
2.       Review process of finding mean, median
Students will work out through process of finding median with table partners.
Students will work with shoulder partners to find mean.
·         Strategy #73 p. 138: Try peer tutoring
Collaborative/Cooperative (“You do it together”)

Power point section three:
1.       Ask students to look at example of pie chart on slide.
2.       Ask students to plug in the number they think fits best into the each colored section.
3.        Ask students to justify their thinking in table groups.
4.       Ask students to compare hours given in example with a fraction.
Power point section four:
1.       Show students how to do a 360. Ask students what they think a 180, 90, 45 degree movement would be. Ask them to justify their answers in their table groups.
Power point section five: Discuss four graphing possibilities. Ask students which graph they would choose to measure five weeks of snowfall.
Independent (“You do it alone”)
 Students will complete assessment for topic 6


1.       Review key vocabulary and process
2.       Review degrees of circle compared to fractions on a pie graph.

Move behavioral student to front of classroom
1, 2, 3

5, 4
 Visual accommodation for behavioral, minimal and approaching students.

7, 8

9, 6,

17, 16
9, 8, 16, 30
Small grouping for ELL students.

10, 11, 12

ELL grouping.
29, 6, 30

Physical movement for increased engagement for behavioral student.
6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 12


27, 28, 29

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